Why creation stories are relevant ?

2 min readFeb 26, 2021


“All over India, an age-old ceremony takes place every January, a rejoicing in the generosity of nature in the annual harvesting of the crops.”Ancient civilizations depended on astronomical data for their everyday rituals because they were dependent on the shifting seasons to sustain their lives. -deeper cosmological tradition. In many cultures, the creation stories characterize their rituals.

Creation stories deal with first causes, the essences of what their cultures’ perceived reality to be. In them, people set forth their primary understanding of man and the world, time and space.”

It has framed purpose and meaning about the world, along with a system of ethics for moral behavior. Ideas about who we are and where we come from are important; they influence our actions. We use our understanding of the past to make decisions desire tomorrow.

A creation story is appreciated by people within a culture because it relates to their immediate life. Meaning to life at the same time. Creation stories are powerful. They provide descriptions of the universe that are meaningful and inspiring. They frame knowledge and guide behavior.

We should look at traditional creation stories from a new perspective with a more sympathetic eye, and try to enter their meaning, rather than assume they have no value?




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